World Bank
简历(Brief Biography):
(Lead Social Protection Specialist,World Bank)
世界银行驻中国代表处人类发展部 主任
(Sector Coordinator for Human Development, The World Bank Office, Beijing)
美国康奈尔大学 经济学博士
(Ph.D. in Economics, Cornell University, USA)
Participated in or managed World Bank research and lending projects in the areas of social security reforms in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Moldova, Czech Republic, Macedonia, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and some other transition economies in Eastern Europe and Central Asia region (1997-2002). Currently responsible for coordinating World Bank's China program in the Human Development sector which covers the areas of health, education, and social protection (Since 2004).
主要研究领域 (Professional interests):
Economic and policy analysis in the areas of pensions, social safety net, and labor market