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Lu Weili 鲁维丽



Weili Lu
Dr. Weili Lu joined the CSUF faculty in 1996. She was one of the founders of the Center for Insurance Studies and has served as Director of the Center since 1998. She received a B.A. in Economics and M.A. in International Business from Nankai University in China. She then received an M.S. and a Ph.D. in Finance and Insurance from the University of Illinois at 
Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Lu holds the distinction of being the first female from Mainland China to receive a Ph.D. in Insurance.

She teaches major insurance courses in the insurance and financial services program at Cal State Fullerton, such as Principles of Risk Management and Insurance, Life and Health Insurance, and Business Property and Liability Insurance.

Her research interests include pension, social securities, employee benefits, demutualization of insurers, and insurance stocks. Her industry experience includes serving as a financial planning consultant and manager of large insurance and pension consulting projects. Dr. Lu has extensive contacts with members of the insurance/financial services industry and government officials, both in United States and China. As a founder, she has successfully raised significant funds for Center for Insurance Studies; has established an Insurance & Financial Services Program in the Finance Department; and Actuary Science Program in the Math Department.



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