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Doerpinghaus,Helen I.

Helen I. Doerpinghaus 

Helen Doerpinghaus is a Professor of Insurance at rhe Moore School of Business at the University of South Carolina where she has been on the faculty since 1987. She received her Ph.D. from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania in insurance and health care finance. Professor Doerpinghaus has authored articles on insurance economics , health economics, and employee benefits in a variety of scholarly journals, including The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Inquiry, Benefits Quarterly, Risk Management and Insurance Review, and others. She coauthored the 7th edition of Risk Management and Insurance, and is a contributor to the text, International Risk and Insurance: An Environmental-Managerial Approach. She is on the editorial board of The Journal of Risk and Insurance, Benefits Quarterly, and several other scholarly journals. She has received the University’s Michael J. Mungo Teaching Award and Mortar Board Teaching Award as well as The Moore School’s Alfred G. Smith, Jr. Teaching Award.

Professor Doerpinghaus is a Past President of the American Risk and Insurance Association, the premier academic organization for risk and insurance education. She is on the Administrative Board of the S.S. Huebner Foundation at The Wharton School of Business and also serves on the Board of the Griffith Foundation for Insurance Education. Professor Doerpinghaus has served on the S.C. Governor’s Health Insurance Reform Committee, the Governor’s Access to Health Insurance Coverage Study Group, and various legislative committees on health policy and retirement issues.


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