Post-school education:
1976-79 BA (Hons) Geography (Economics subsidiary), UCW Aberystwyth, UK (class II/1)
1979-81 MSc Town Planning, UWIST Cardiff, UK
1987 Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy, UK - full member
1992 Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, UK - full associate member
1994 Chartered Administrators & Company Secretaries, New Zealand - passed finalist
1996-97 Phd Accountancy, Massey University, New Zealand (category A pass)
Sept 1999 – date: Professor, Corporate Finance, European Business Management School (EBMS), University of Wales, Swansea, UK.
Sept 1998 – August 1999: Senior Lecturer, The School of Management, University of Bath, UK.
Sept 1995 – Sept 1998: Lecturer, Department of Accounting & Finance, University of Glasgow, UK
May 1991-August 1995: Lecturer, Department of Accountancy, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
March 1989-May 1991: Senior Systems Auditor, Sun Life Assurance, Bristol, UK
April 1982-March 1989: Trainee Accountant/Accountant/Senior Auditor, Avon County Council, Bristol, UK
2. Teaching Experience
University of Wales, Swansea (1999 – date)
Undergraduate: Financial Management & Reporting in Europe (Paper Controller).
Average student numbers: about 30
Undergraduate: Financial Innovation & Risk Management (Paper Controller) (from 2001-2)
Estimated student numbers: about 20
Undergraduate: Corporate Finance (Paper Controller) (from 2003-4)
Estimated student numbers: about 140
Postgraduate (MBA): Strategic Management Accounting, (Paper Controller)
Average student numbers: about 10
Postgraduate (MBA/MSc (Econ)): Corporate Finance, (Support Lecturer)
Average student numbers: about 45
University of Bath (1998 – 1999)
Undergraduate: Company Finance
Average student numbers: about 80
Postgraduate: Cost Management, Executive MBA and Malaysian MBA; MSc Company Finance, MSc Company Finance (Europe) (Paper Controller for all courses)
Average student numbers: approximately 40 MBA courses and about 15 for the MSc courses.
Glasgow University (1997-1998):
Undergraduate: International Financial Management (Paper Controller); Finance Theory
Average student numbers: about 90 per course.
Postgraduate: Banking & Financial Markets (Paper Controller), MPhil
Average student numbers: about 25
University of Glasgow (1995-96):
Undergraduate: Information & Computer Systems (Paper Controller); Advanced Financial Accounting; Advanced Management Accounting; Financial Management for Engineers.
Average student numbers: about 100 per course
Postgraduate: Financial Accounting, International MBA; Banking & Financial Markets,
M Phil
Average student numbers: about 25 per course
Massey University (1991-1995):
Undergraduate: Accounting Information Systems (Paper Controller); Internal Audit; Public Sector Accounting
Average student numbers (internal & extramural): about 300 for information systems and roughly 50 for the other two courses
Postgraduate: Research Methods
Average number of students: about 25
Other teaching:
South Western University of Finance & Economics (SUFE), Chengdu, China (1996-97):
Postgraduate: Quantitative Analysis for Insurance Management; Computers & Information Systems in Insurance; Management Accounting in Insurance. (These are modules on the MA Insurance Accounting Programme supported by the UK insurer General Accident). All courses were newly developed for this specialist programme.
Student numbers: 19.
St Petersburg Institute of Commerce and Economics (SPICE), St Petersburg, Russia (1998):
Student numbers: about 25.
Executive Management Programme with Institute of Chartered Accountants Scotland and University of Glasgow. Subject: Corporate Finance
External Examiner:
Central Lancashire Business School, Department of Accounting & Financial Services – all undergraduate & masters programmes (1996-2000). University of Nottingham - MA in Risk, Insurance, Finance and Investment (2000 – 2003).
Assistant Examiner in Corporate Finance (Paper 92) on the external degree of the University of London/London School of Economics & Political Science. Case Study Examination Moderator for the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) (Level 4, Paper FLCS). Assistant Examiner, paper 3.7 (Strategic Financial Management) for the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA). Assistant Examiner, paper 301, Investment and Asset Management, Faculty/Institute of Actuaries.; Moderator, paper Multinational Corporate Finance & Strategy, Institute of Financial Services.
Research Fellow, Chinese Centre for Insurance & Social Security Research, College of Economics, University of Beijing, China (2003-date)
Research Fellow, School of Economics & Business Ume? University, Sweden, (2004-date)
Research Fellow, Centre for Risk & Insurance Studies (CRIS) University of Nottingham Business School, UK (2004-date)
Advisory Board Member, CRIS, University of Nottingham, UK (2004-date)
Appeals Panel Member, Professional Conduct Committee, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (2005-date).
3. Research
My research activities are focused mainly in the accounting, finance, economics and management aspects of insurance and risk.
My doctoral thesis is entitled: “The Determinants of Voluntary Disclosure by New Zealand Life Insurance Companies”.
Research Grants:
Price Waterhouse Doctoral Scholarship (1992) (NZ$10,000) (Phd award)
Life Office Association of New Zealand (1994) (NZ$3,000) - Life insurance industry economies of scale
Guernsey Financial Services Commission (1996) (£6,000) - Captive insurance companies
General Accident (1996-97) (£10,000) – Insurance and finance research activities
Price Waterhouse Travel Award (1996) (£1,000) (AAA Chicago, 1996)
Association of British Insurers – Doctoral Scholarship & Travel Awards (2000-2002) (£14,000) – awarded to Mr Zou (Joe) Hong, formerly of Chengdu Securities Investment Bank, Chengdu, China.
University of Wales - Doctoral Scholarship 2000-2002 (£48,000) – awarded to Mr Zou (Joe) Hong, formerly of Chengdu Securities Investment Bank, Chengdu, China.
International Insurance Society (2001-2003) – Travel Awards (£6,000)
KPMG (2003-2005) (£60,000) – Insurance Industry Benchmarking Study with Centre for Risk & Insurance Studies, University of Nottingham
Lingnan University HK HK$15,000 (2004) – insurance & cost of capital in the Chinese corporate sector
British Commonwealth Educational Fund (2005-2007) – doctoral award £26,000, The determinants of reinsurance in English Speaking West Africa – awarded to Mr Dawda Sarge, Great Alliance Insurance Co., the Gambia.
Research Supervision:
Phd thesis 1 (complete); DBA 1 (ongoing); Masters theses: 12 (4 joint, 8 solo) (all complete); MBA projects: 20 (solo) (18 complete, 2 ongoing); Bachelors theses: 8 (solo) (all complete)
Phd Examinerships:
University of South Australia, Adelaide (H. Tong – 1999); Glasgow Caledonian University (M. Sung – 2000); Strathclyde University (R. Bedford – 2002); Strathclyde University (D. Mnzava – 2003).
See attached
I have been invited to referee for the following international academic journals: Abacus; Asia Pacific Journal of Management; Applied Financial Economics, Accounting and Business Research, British Accounting Review, Corporate Governance: An International Review, European Journal of Finance, International Journal of Auditing, Journal of Management Studies, Pacific Accounting Review, and OMEGA.
I have presented papers at the major refereed academic conferences in accounting & finance such as the Accounting Association of Australia & New Zealand (AAANZ) (1994, 2003) and British Accounting Association (BAA) (1996) the American Accounting Association (AAA) (Chicago, 1996; Hawaii, 2003) and the American Risk and Insurance Conference (Boston, 1998, Baltimore, 2000, Montreal, 2002). Additionally, I have presented research papers at over 40 universities throughout the world, including the Universities of Auckland (New Zealand), Cambridge and Lancaster (UK), Georgia (US), Melbourne and Queensland (Australia)
Research Prizes/Nominations:
Agency Theory and the Corporate Purchase of Insurance: Chinese Evidence (with Zou, H.), Working Paper; Best Research Paper by Young Chinese Researcher (Zou, H.), awarded by Chinese Economists’ Association (UK), (£1,000), London, March 2002.
Corporate Risks and Property Insurance in the People’s Republic of China (with Zou, H. and Buckle, M.J.) Accepted Paper for the Journal of Risk & Insurance; joint winner of the 2002 Shin Insurance Research Excellence Prize (US$10,000) awarded by the International Insurance Society Inc., Singapore, July 2002.
Corporate Governance and Cost Efficiency in the UK Life Insurance Industry (with Hardwick, P. and Zou, H.). Joint winner of the 2003 Shin Insurance Research Excellence Prize (US$10,000) awarded by the International Insurance Society Inc., New York, July 2003.
4. General (Administrative) Contribution
University of Wales Swansea:
EBMS Research Committee
EBMS Strategy Committee
EBMS Staff Recruitment & Development Committee
EBMS Working Papers Editor
EBMS Research Colloquia Organizer
UWS Faculty Board
UWS Senate
UWS Transparency Review Committee (1999-2002)
UWS Unfair Practices Committee (2002-date)
University of Bath:
School: Convenor of Accounting & Finance Group – involving staffing, resource allocation, quality control, course planning and programme development (1998 – 1999).
University of Glasgow:
Organizational: Representing university in formalising relationships with SW University of Finance & Economics, China (1996-97).
Departmental: Professional & Careers Officer (1997-1998); Undergraduate Examinations Co-ordinator (1997-1998)
Massey University:
Departmental: Management Advisory Group Committee (1994-95); Research Portfolio Group (1994)
5. Outside University
Academic: Conference Program Committee member of the American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA) (2002-)
Industry: Conference moderator for the New York-based International Insurance Society Inc. (2001-date)
Professional: Chartered Institute of Management Accountants Wellington Committee, Marketing Officer (1992-95). Various lectures for professional and commercial groups e.g., accountancy and actuarial profession seminars, financial services sector presentations.
6. Academic Referees
1. Professor SJ McLeay (Accounting & Finance Referee), Professor of Treasury, School for Business & Regional Development, University of Wales Bangor, College Road, Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2DG, UK, Ph: 00-44-(0)1248-383229; Fax:00-44-(0)1248-383229; email:
2.Professor DJ Hillier (Accounting & Finance Referee), Chairman of the European Finance Association, Director, Scottish Centre for Investment & Finance Research, Department of Accounting and Finance, University of Strathclyde, Curran Building, 100, Cathedral Road, Glasgow, G4 0LN, UK, Ph: 00-44-(0)141-548-3261; Fax: 00-44-(0)141-552-3547: email:
3.Professor RE Hoyt (Insurance & Risk Management Referee), President of the American Risk & Insurance Association (2003-45), Head of Department, Faculty of Risk Management and Insurance, University of Georgia, Terry College of Business, 206 Brooks Hall, Athens, Georgia 30602-6255, USA, Ph: 00-1-706-5423808; Fax: 00-1-706-5424295; email: