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QIN Xuezheng


Xuezheng Qin is a professor and deputy dean in the School of Economics at Peking University. He earned his bachelor degree from Peking University (2002) and his Ph.D. in Economics from the State University of New York at Buffalo (2009). Dr. Qin’s primary research interests include health economics, economics of human capital, and applied econometrics. He has published more than 50 academic papers in peer-reviewed journals such as Journal of Comparative Economics, Health Economics, Health Policy and Planning, China Economic Review, Health Economics Policy and Law, and Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance. He is also the author of several books, including Principles of Economics (2014), Applied Econometrics with Eviews and SAS Examples (2016), and Migrant Workers in China’s New Health Insurance System (2017). His research is funded by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Ministry of Education of China, International Development Research Centre (Canada), and others. Dr. Qin was a guest editor of China Economic Review and Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, and he also serves on the editorial board of China Health Review and as an external reviewer for many renowned academic journals. He is included in the Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project and has gained other recognitions. In Peking University, Dr. Qin teaches Econometrics, Health Economics and Chinese Economic Transition; his teaching has won national awards in China’s multimedia course competition.



Ph.D. in Economics, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2009  

M.A. in Economics, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2005

B.A. in Economics, Peking University, 2002



2009-present: Peking University School of Economics, Assistant Professor (2009-2012), Associate Professor (2012-2017), Professor (2017-present), Assistant Dean (2014-2018), Deputy Dean (2018-present)

2009-present: Peking University China Center for Health Economic Research, Research Associate

2015-2017: Guest Editor for China Economic Review, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade

2010-present: Editorial Board Member for China Health Review

2013-present: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Expert External Reviewer



Health Economics

Economics of Human Capital

Applied Econometrics



Undergraduate Courses: Applied Econometrics, English for Economics Majors, Principles of Economics

Graduate Courses: Advanced Econometrics, Advanced Health Economics, Frontiers of Modern Economic Research

Executive Courses: Managerial Economics, China’s Economic Transition, Health Care Policy and Reform



Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Siyuan Liu, Xuezheng Qin*. "The Hidden Costs of Mental Depression: Implications on Social Trust and Life Satisfaction." Manchester School, in Press (DOI: 10.1111/manc.12251).

Shaofei Jiang, Xuezheng Qin*. "The Inequality of Nutrition Intake among Adults in China." Journal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies, in Press (DOI: 10.1080/14765284.2018.1512818).

Xuezheng Qin*, Suyin Wang, Chee-Ruey Hsieh. "The Prevalence of Depression and Depressive Symptoms among Adults in China: Estimation Based on a National Household Survey." China Economic Review, in Press (DOI: 10.1016/j.chieco.2016.04.001).  

Chee-Ruey Hsieh, Xuezheng Qin*. “Depression Hurts, Depression Costs: The Medical Spending Attributable to Depression and Depressive Symptoms in China.” Health Economics, Vol. 27(3): 525-544, March 2018.

Lianfa Li, Xuezheng Qin*. “Institutions, Reforms and Economic Development in China.” China Economic Review, Vol. 46: 275-276, December 2017.

Xuezheng Qin, Castiel Zhuang*, Rudai Yang. “Does the One-Child Policy Improve Children’s Human Capital in Urban China? A Regression Discontinuity Design.” Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 45(2): 287–303, May 2017.

Mengyun Liu, Xuezheng Qin, Jay Pan*. "Does Medical Equipment Expansion Lead to More Diagnostic Services? Evidence from China's Sichuan Province." Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 53(6): 1289-1300, 2017.

Qixiang Sun, Xuezheng Qin*. "Institutions, Reforms and Economic Development." Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Vol. 53(6): 1241-1242, June 2017.

Jay Pan, Xuezheng Qin*, Chee-Ruey Hsieh. “Is the Pro-Competition Policy an Effective Solution for China’s Public Hospital Reform?” Health Economics, Policy and Law, Vol. 11(4): 337-357, October 2016. 

Xuezheng Qin, Jay Pan*. “The Medical Cost Attributable to Obesity and Overweight in China: Estimation Based on Longitudinal Surveys.” Health Economics, Vol. 25(10): 1291–1311, October 2016.

Xuezheng Qin*, Tianyu Wang, Castiel Zhuang. “Intergenerational Transfer of Human Capital and Its Impact on Income Mobility: Evidence from China.” China Economic Review, Vol. 38: 306–321, April 2016. 

Jay Pan, Xuezheng Qin*, Qian Li, Joseph Messina, Paul Delamater. “Does Hospital Competition Improve Health Care Delivery in China?” China Economic Review, Vol. 33: 179-199, April 2015.

Tor Eriksson, Jay Pan, Xuezheng Qin*. “The Intergenerational Inequality of Health in China.” China Economic Review, Vol. 31: 392-409, December 2014. 

Gordon Liu, Yiqun Chen, Xuezheng Qin*. “Transforming Rural Health Care through Information Technology: An Interventional Study in China.” Health Policy and Planning, Vol. 29(8): 975-985, December 2014.

Xuezheng Qin*, Chee-Ruey Hsieh. “Economic Growth and the Geographic Maldistribution of Health Care Resources: Evidence from China, 1949-2010.China Economic Review, Vol. 31: 228-246, December 2014.

Xuezheng Qin*, Tianyi Lu. “Does Health Insurance Lead to Ex-ante Moral Hazard? Evidence from China's New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme.” Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice, Vol. 39(4): 625-650, October 2014.

Xuezheng Qin, Jay Pan*, Gordon G. Liu. “Does Participating in Health Insurance Benefit the Migrant Workers in China? An Empirical Investigation.” China Economic Review, Vol. 30: 263-278, September 2014.

Jay Pan, Xuezheng Qin*, Gordon G. Liu. "The Impact of Body Size on Urban Employment: Evidence from China." China Economic Review, Vol. 27: 249-263, December 2013.

Xuezheng Qin*, Gordon G. Liu. “Does the U.S. Health Care Safety Net Discourage Private Insurance Coverage?” European Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 14 (3): 457-469, September 2013.

Xuezheng Qin, Lixing Li*, Yangyang Liu. “The Value of Life and Its Regional Difference in China.” China Agricultural Economic Review, Vol. 5 (3): 373-390, September 2013.

Jay Pan*, Peng Wang, Xuezheng Qin, Shufang Zhang. “Disparity and Convergence: Chinese Provincial Government Health Expenditures.” PLOS ONE, Vol. 8 (8): August 2013.

Xuezheng Qin, Lixing Li, Chee-Ruey Hsieh*. “Too Few Doctors or Too Low Wages? Labor Supply of Health Care Professionals in China.” China Economic Review, Vol. 24 (1): 150-164, March 2013.

Xuezheng Qin*, Zhi Zheng. “The New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and Its Implications on Rural Labor Migration in China: Evidence from Longitudinal Surveys.” China Economist, Vol. 7(3): 89-101, July 2012.



Qin Zhou, Xuezheng Qin*, Guoen Liu. “To Worry More about Unequal Distribution of Wealth than Poverty? Impact of Relative Living Standard on Mental Health among Chinese Population.” Economic Theory and Business Management, forthcoming.

Xuezheng Qin, Chen Zhuang*, Rudai Yang. “The Impact of Birth Control Policy on Offspring’s Education Level: Microeconomic Evidence from China.” China Economic Quarterly, 2018(3).

Yulu Chen*, Xuezheng Qin. “The Effects of Appearance on Individual Cognitive and Non-cognitive Abilities: Evidence from CFPS.” Studies in Labor Economics, 2018(4).

Xuezheng Qin*, Yulu Chen. “A Summary of Peking University International Conference on Technological Change, Labour Markets and Income Distribution.” Academics, 2018(5).

Xuezheng Qin*, Yilong Zhang. “A Summary of Peking University International Conference on Macro and Monetary Economics.” Economic Science, 2017(4).

Ting Guo*, Xuezheng Qin. “Marriage Matching, Life Satisfaction and Divorce Risk in First Marriage: A Research Based on Chinese Family Panel Studies.” Studies in Labor Economics, Vol 4 (6), December 2016.

Xuezheng Qin*, Yilong Zhang. “A Summary of Peking University International Conference on Microeconomic Theory.” Economic Science, 2016(5).

Qi Tang*, Xuezheng Qin. “An Empirical Analysis of Medical Consumption's Crowding-out Effect for China's Households.” Economic Science, 2016(3).

Xuezheng Qin*, Yu Song. “Institutions, Reforms and Economic Development.” (Topical Review), International Academic Development, 2016(3).

Xuezheng Qin*, Zheng Zhang. “Path Analysis on Achieving Green Development in China.” Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), Vol 53 (2), March 2016.

Jie Pan*, Xuezheng Qin, Wen Tang, Wei Guo. “The Economics of Obesity: A Literature Review.” Research on Economics and Management, 2015(10).

Gordon Liu*, Xuezheng Qin, Jie Pan, Shufang Zhang. “Migration and Health in China: An Empirical Analysis.” in Li Ling, Sara Cook, Shufang Zhang, Wen Chen (ed.). China’s Population Migration and Health. China Social Sciences Press, Beijing, China, 2015 (in Chinese).

Jie Pan*, Xuezheng Qin. “Does Health Insurance Lead to Better Health? A Review of Literature with Causal Inference.” World Economic Papers, 2014(6).

Xiaobo Peng, Xuezheng Qin*. “A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation on the Ex-ante Moral Hazard Induced by the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme.” China Economic Quarterly, Vol 14(1), October 2014.

Lijian Qin*, Xuezheng Qin, Yun Hui. “Determinant Factors of Urban Medical Insurance Participation among Migrant Workers.” Social Security Studies, Vol 2014(2), October 2014.

Xuezheng Qin*. “Intergenerational Mobility and the Transmission Mechanism – Recent Advances.” Economic Perspectives, 2014(9).

Xuezheng Qin*, Jianbo Zhou, Yi Xin, Chen Zhuang. “Urban-rural Health Insurance Duality and Its Impact on Migrant Workers’ Home Return Willingness – The Case of Migrant Workers in Beijing.” Chinese Rural Economy, 2014(2).

Zhifeng Yin*, Jingyi Ye, Yanghua Huang, Xuezheng Qin. “Intellectual Property Protection and Enterprise Innovation: Mechanism and Empirical Test.” The Journal of World Economy, 2013(12).

Lijian Qin*, Bo Chen, Xuezheng Qin. “The Impact of Health on Migrant Workers’ Urban Job Income.” World Economic Papers, 2013(6).

Qin Zhou*, Xuezheng Qin, Yan Yuan. “Migrant Workers’ Real Accessibility of Medical Services: Based on the Special Survey of Rural-to-Urban Migrant Workers in Beijing.” Insurance Studies, 2013(9).

Lijian Qin*, Xuezheng Qin, Zhongyi Jiang. “The Impact of Health on the Labor Supply of Migrant Workers.” Chinese Rural Economy, 2012(8).

Xuezheng Qin*, Bo Hong. “The Incentive and Regulation in China’s Basic Medical Insurance: an Analysis based on Moral Hazard.” Technoeconomics & Management Research, 2012(8).

Xuezheng Qin*, Zhifeng Yin, Jianbo Zhou, Xinxin Kong. “National Science and Technology Project and the Innovation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises: Analysis Based on PSM Method.” Management World (Monthly), 2012(4).

Xuezheng Qin*, Jianbo Zhou, Zhifeng Yin. “Characteristics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Innovation: Evidence from Deyang Enterprise Survey.” China Industrial Economics, 2012(4).

Xuezheng Qin*, Gordon Liu. “A Review on the Impact of Health Insurance on Labor Markets.” Economic Perspectives, 2011(12).

Xuezheng Qin*, Zhi Zheng. “New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme and the Rural Labor Migration.” Chinese Rural Economy, 2011(10).

Xuezheng Qin*. “Social Safety Net, Self-insurance and Commercial Insurance: A Theoretical Model.” The Journal of World Economy, 2011(10).

Jay Pan, Xuezheng Qin*, Gordon Liu. “Does Body Size Matter in Urban Employment? Evidence from China.” Nankai Economic Studies, 2011(2).

Xuezheng Qin*, Yangyang Liu, Lixing Li. “The Value of Life and Its Regional Difference: Evidence from China Inter-Census Population Survey.” China Industrial Economics, 2010(10).



Xuezheng Qin. Migrant Workers in China’s New Health Insurance System: A Study on the Effectiveness of Coverage. Peking University Press, Beijing, China, 2017 (in Chinese).

Xuezheng Qin. Applied Econometrics with EViews and SAS Examples. Peking University Press, Beijing, China, 2016 (in Chinese).

Gordon Liu, Ling Li, Xuezheng Qin, Jihong Ding (ed.). Principles of Economics. People’s Medical Press, Beijing, China, 2014 (in Chinese).



Principal Investigator of Subsidiary Project, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Key Research Grant (No. 71833001), “The Economic Experiment on Health-based Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from An Interventional Study in Liangshan Prefecture of Sichuan Province”, 2019-2024.

Principal Investigator, Beijing Social Science Foundation Research Base Grant (No. 16JDLJB001), “The Contribution Mechanism of Human Capital on the Economic Development Under the New Normal”, 2016-2019.

Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Regular Grant (No. 71573003), “The Impact of Intergenerational Human Capital Transmission on Economic Development”, 2016-2019.

Principal Investigator of Subsidiary Project, Ministry of Education of China Key Research Grant (No. 12JZD036), “Household Credit Management and Public Service System in China’s Social Transition”, 2013-2016.

Principal Investigator, Beijing Federation of Social Science Circles Young Scholar Grant (No. 2012SKL002), “The Migrant Worker Health Insurance in Beijing’s Healthy City Initiative”, 2013-2014.

Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scholar Grant (No. 71103009), “The Intergenerational Transfer of Human Capital and Its Impact on Social Mobility”, 2012-2014.

Principal Investigator, Ministry of Education of China Young Scholar Grant (No. 10YJC790206), “The Impact of New Medical Insurance System on the Working Location Selection of Migrant Workers”, 2011-2013.

Principal Investigator, Peking University School of Economics Research Seed Grant, “The Intergenerational Transmission of Health in China”, 2011-2012.

Co-Principal Investigator, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) Young Scholar Grant (No. 71303165), “Competition and Health Care Delivery in China: Space Measure and Empirical Study”, 2014-2016.

Co-Principal Investigator, National Social Science Foundation of China (SSFC) Regular Grant (No. 13BJL016), “Research on the Long-term Tax Revenue, Per Capita Tax Burden and Taxation Structure from China’s Song to Qing Dynasties (997-1909)”, 2014-2016.

Principal Investigator, International Development Research Centre (Canada) Young Scholar Research Network Grant, “The Impact of URBMI on the Health and Healthcare Utilization of Migrant Workers in China”, 2011-2012.

Co-Principal Investigator, Guanghua Leadership Institute in Collaboration with CISCO Project, “An Evaluation of CISCO's Healthy Wenchuan Project: the Role of A Collaborative Health Care Network”, 2010-2012.

Collaborating Scholar, United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD) Project, “Migration and Health in China”, 2011-2012.



Best Paper Award, China Labor Economist Forum Annual Congress, 2018

Best Paper Award, Peking University CCISSR Forum Annual Conference, 2018

Outstanding Reviewer, Economic Science, 2017

Peking University Cao-Feng-Qi Award for Research Excellence in Finance, 2017

Outstanding Project Report, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2017

Peking University Teaching Excellence Award, 2016

3rd Prize, China National Multimedia Courseware Competition, 2015

1st Prize, Peking University Multimedia and Online Course Competition, 2015

Outstanding Reviewer, China Economic Review, Elsevier, 2015

Wenjin Book Award (Social Science Book Recommendation), National Library of China, 2014

Best Paper Award, Qian-Xue-Sen Gold Medal Competition for Urban Studies, 2014

Included in Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project, 2013

Research Excellence Award, Peking University School of Economics, 2013

Prize of Excellence, Peking Univ. Young Faculty Teaching Competition, 2010

Included in Who’s Who among Students in American Colleges & Univ., 2008 

Dissertation Fellowship, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2007

Dean’s Fellowship, State University of New York at Buffalo, 2002-2006

Outstanding Graduate Award, Peking University, 2002

Aetna Scholarship, Peking University, 2001

Sumitomo Bank Scholarship, Peking University, 2000


Copyright Peking University Tel(F) : 86-10-62751462 Email: weiweilin@pku.edu.cn