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SEPKU Research | Associate Professor Wang Fa’s paper was published in the Journal of Econometrics

  Recently, Wang Fa, Associate Professor of the School of Economics at Peking University, published a paper "Maximum likelihood estimation and inference for high dimensional generalized factor models with application to factor-augmented regressions“ in the Journal of Econometrics, the top international journal in the field of Econometrics.

  This paper reestablishes the main results in Bai (2003) and Bai and Ng (2006) for generalized factor models, with slightly stronger conditions on the relative magnitude of N (number of subjects) and T (number of time periods). Convergence rates of the estimated factor space and loading space and asymptotic normality of the estimated factors and loadings are established under mild conditions that allow for linear, Logit, Probit, Tobit, Poisson and some other single-index nonlinear models. The probability density/mass function is allowed to vary across subjects and time, thus mixed models are also allowed for. For factor-augmented regressions, this paper establishes the limit distributions of the parameter estimates, the conditional mean, and the forecast when factors estimated from nonlinear/mixed data are used as proxies for the true factors.

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