Company De1111ion
Founded in 1981, AnalysisGroup is the largest privately held economic consulting firm in North America. AnalysisGroup consults to our clients in the health care industry on economic,outcomes, biostatistics, and epidemiologic issues. For more than 30 years, wehave worked with prominent clinicians, academics, and industry thought leadersto develop compelling results for our clients across North America, Europe, Asia,and emerging markets. Our 700 professionals work in 11 offices worldwide,including the Beijing office.
In healthcare, AnalysisGroup is at the cutting edge of medical big data research. We work withacademic affiliates with expertise in economics, statistics, biostatistics,health economics, clinical medicine, and epidemiology to leverage novelapproaches that increase the timeliness and impact of our research. We haveserved almost all major global pharmaceutical manufacturers, many biotechnologycompanies, medical device companies, payers (insurers, large employers), and hospitalsand health systems. We have supported a large number of blockbuster drugsaround the world. Beyond health care, we have served a broad range ofindustries such as banking, real estate, IT, and energy.
Analysis Group Beijingoffice focuses primarily on providing health care research and strategicconsulting to our multinational pharmaceutical and life sciences clients aswell as to domestic pharmaceutical companies in China. Led by ManagingPrincipal Eric Q Wu, the office collaborates closelywith leading Chinese academic researchers including affiliates from Peking University,Tsinghua University and other research institutes, identifies and developshigh-quality data with local partners, and designs and presents researchstudies that meet the needs of decision makers from industry, government, andthe scientific community.
Job De1111ion -Analyst Summer Intern
Our interns are assignedto work with a case team to experience the analyst role. Interns will participate in an orientation and training programs to help prepare them fortheir internship experience. Successful interns are committed to teamwork and collaborative problem solving, continuous learning, and professional development.
· Candidates should be undergraduate students or graduate students in quantitative or medical sciences such as statistics, biostatistics, mathematics, economics, clinical medicine, epidemiology, and psychometrics.
· Candidates should have a strong interest in applying quantitative methods to real-world research problems, preferably in health careresearch.
· Proficiency in at least one statistical or computer programminglanguage (e.g., SAS, R, S-PLUS, C) is preferred but not required.
· Candidates should also demonstrate strong interpersonal andcommunication skills, a commitment to teamwork and collaborative problemsolving, and aspiration for continuous learning and professionaldevelopment.
· Candidates are expected to work full time for at least 8weeks.
Interested candidates should submit a cover letter including a statement of interest, curriculumvitae, including undergraduate and graduate GPA and unofficial tran1111(s) to AGBeijingHR@analysisgroup.com