中金公司股票业务部Delta One Intern招聘
类型:Project Intern岗位
Title: Intern
Department: Equities Department
Location: Hong Kong
Job De1111ion:
This position is to be taken on by an Intern who will be mainly responsiblefor assisting the Equities Team on daily tasks such as information gatheringand end of day reporting. The candidate is also expected to provide support tothe Equities Team in terms of market analysis and other necessary supportfunctions. The duties and relevant training he/she will undertake include, butare not limited to:
1. Keep updated on daily news and market activities
2. Perform stock analysis using financialmodeling and spreadsheets
3. Preparing and sending out endof day P/L reports
4. Interact with operations to ensureproper daily settlement of trades
- MBA/postgraduate students froma prestigious university, expectedto be graduated in 2017 or 2018
- Finance, FinancialEngineering, Mathematical Finance, Mathematics and Computer Science studentsare preferred
Skillsand Abilities
- Possess broad financialproducts and analytics knowledge and experience
- Good communication and problem-solvingskills;
- Professional mannerism andproactive working attitude;
- Self-confident and energetic;
- Good command of PC skills, esp.Excel, Word, PowerPoint and Access;
- Ability to work efficientlyunder pressure
- Willing to work hard and longhours to achieve results
- Fluent in English and Mandarin (both written and spoken);
- Previous work experience infinancial institutions is preferred;
· Please send email and resumetitled with “EQ-HK Delta One Intern-University-Major-Name” totalent@cicc.com.cn ASAP.