题目:Processing Trade, Tariff Reductions, and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Chinese Products
经济学博士,北京大学中国经济研究中心(CCER)副教授,China Economic Review编委会成员。
This paper explores how reductions in tariffs on imported inputs and final goods affect firm productivity by exploiting the special tariff treatment that processing firms receive on imported inputs as opposed to those of non-processing firms. Highly disaggregated Chinese transaction-level trade data and firm-level production data from 2000 to 2006 are used to construct firm-level input and output tariffs. Careful examination of the extent of firm engagement in processing trade and in controlling for various sources of endogeneity reveal that less productive firms choose to engage in processing trade. More importantly, unlike previous findings, reductions in output tariffs have a greater positive effect on productivity improvement compared with reductions in input tariffs due, in large part, to the fact that processing trade in China enjoys zero tariffs on imported inputs.