题目:Political Economy of Private Firms in China
Dr. Di Guo is an Assistant Professor of Strategy and International Business at School of Business, The University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining HKU, she completed a PhD in Management at the School of Management & Economics, University of Edinburgh, UK.
Her research interests include entrepreneurial financing, innovation, corporate governance, strategic contracting and China specific topics. Most of her existing research is focused on venture capital investment in China. She empirically examines how institutions, in particular, the regulatory institutions, affect venture capitalists’ investment activities and the contribution of venture capital investment to the growth and innovation of entrepreneurial firms in China. The other line of her research examines how institutional dynamics affect entrepreneurship in China with the focus on entrepreneurs’ startup motivation, effort devotion, resource accessibility and the corporate governance and performance of the entrepreneurial firms. Di also has a few ongoing projects that look at R&D contracts with the focus on the use of strategic contract terms.
Although the classic ideology of communism is anti-capitalism under the rule of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese private sector that took off in the late 1990s became the biggest driving force of China’s growth. Many party members quitted their job and became owners of private firms (although most private-firm owners are not party members). This dramatic progress is associated with major changes of the CPC from anti- to pro-capitalism. This paper explores the following questions using nationwide sampling survey datasets for 1995-2010. What social forces contributed to the change of the CPC’s policy and attitude towards entrepreneurship? Did party-member entrepreneurs enjoy rents associated with their party-membership capital? What are the dynamics of the rent-seeking activities of these party-member entrepreneurs? How are these dynamics related to the party’s policy? What is the impact of the rents on the performance of their firms? Endogeneity problems are addressed.
Di Guo, University of Hong Kong
Kun Jiang, University of Hong Kong
Byung-Yeon Kim, Seoul National University
Chenggang Xu, University of Hong Kong