讲座题目:Optimal Fiscal Policies in a Fiscally Decentralized Economy with
Asymmetric Information
赵晓军,武汉大学经济学院经济学学士,北京大学数学学院理学硕士,北京大学光华管理学院经济学博士,现为北京大学经济学院经济学系讲师。其主要研究领域为:动态经济学方法、计算方法和动态宏观随机动力系统分析、数理经济学方法、计量经济学和统计计算方法、不对称信息下的公共财政理论、内生能力演化机制下的最优税收理论、不对称信息下的最优财政分权结构,在Journal of Mathematical Economics等杂志发表过学术论文多篇。
This paper studies the optimal choices of federal government taxes,
federal transfers, and local government taxes in a dynamic model of
capital accumulation with asymmetric information among private agents,
and local and federal governments. There are three kinds private
information: that from agents via both local and federal governments,
and that between governments. Similar to Mirrlees (1971) and Golosov
et al. (2003), we use the truth-telling strategy to report this
private information. The optimal taxation rules
for the federal and local governments and the federal transfers are
thus obtained. We show that both levels of government should tax the
agents’s capital income and labor income in the economy, and the
optimal federal transfer should always be non-zero under the
asymmetric information between the two levels of government.
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