经济学论坛讲座通知——Chinese Courts in Transition: Evolution, Causes, and Effects
报告人:Cheryl Long
美国Colgate University教授
地 点:一教204教室
时 间:2011年5月11日(星期三)晚7:00-9:00
Using descriptive information as well as empirical evidence, this study explores the evolution of Chinese courts between the late 1970s and the present to demonstrate the substantial improvements in China’s legal system during the reform era. The paper further investigates the causes and effects of the legal development and makes the following findings: (1) The progress made in the legal system has been largely induced by various reforms in both the legal realm and other areas and has been accompanied by substantial government financial support; and, (2) The better court system has led to higher investment rate by private firms and their more frequent usage of the courts.
These findings suggest a process of legal development, which is in contrast to both the Rights Hypothesis and the theory of development inducing law. Thus they have implications on how the rule of law relates to economic growth, and also shed light on issues such as how a country can develop without a mature legal system and what can be done to improve the rule of law in a developing country.