“中国创新:专利、技术与市场”会议缘起于“国际知识产权保护”项目。该项目由美国国家专利局(USPTO)和加州大学(UC)共同负责完成,奥巴马政府提供一部分专项资助,旨在研究中国专利申请增长的世界启示。项目的中国研究小组由北京大学曹和平教授和加州大学伯克利分校Brian Wright教授组织。作为中国研究项目的一部分,本次高端对话会议由北京大学(Peking University)和加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)共同发起,北京大学、加州大学伯克利分校、中国知识产权局和美国国家专利局联合主办,北京大学经济学院、北京大学中国产权与PE市场研究机构、北京大学数字中国研究院、北京大学经济学系、北京大学发展经济学系和加州大学资源经济学系承办。
“UC Berkeley- Peking University Workshop on the Evolution of Chinese Patenting and Its Implications for Research and Innovation” will be held in Peking University on May 10, 2011 for two days. More than 60 global and local specialists, including distinguished scholars, politicians and businessmen, will exchange views in depth on the development and characteristics of Intellectual Property system across the world, IP protection in market and juridical dimensions and so on. And then, “China Technology and Know-how Exchanges Summit”, relating to international IP strategy of enterprises, will be held on May 12. The Summit will propose suggestions for the improvement of the IP rights protection system in China and the international IP strategy for Chinese enterprises.
“Evolution of Chinese Patenting and Its Implications for Research and Innovation” is derived from the “Trade-Related IPR Treaty”, which is aided partly by Obama Administration and aiming to have a descriptive and comprehensive study on application filings and patent grants in China. United States Patent and Trademark Office and University of California are responsible for this project. This workshop is initiated by UC Berkley and Peking University. The sponsors are USPTO, UC Berkley, Peking University and State Intellectual Property Office, with the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics at UC Berkeley, School of Economics, Institute Of Digital China, China Property Exchange and Private Equity Market Research, Department of Economics, Department of Development Economics at Peking University.