【题 目】:Do Chinese Really Save Too Much:Aspects from Total Factor Productivity Growth in
since 1952
【时 间】:
【地 点】:经济学院305会议室
【主讲人】: 张琼
’s economic growth over the past three decades ranks as the most rapid sustained increase in documented global history. Although this growth is commonly attributed to a high domestic savings rate among “thrifty” Chinese, savings alone cannot promote economic growth unless productivity has continuously grown during the same period. This article uses a one-sector, neoclassical growth model to calibrate the economy to Chinese data since 1952 and finds that measuring changes in the total factor productivity between 1952 and 2005 can well capture the secular movements in the Chinese savings rate. Far from supporting the widespread belief that
’s savings rate is too high, this article argues that even thrifty Chinese undersaved for most of the years during this period and that the fiscal reforms of 1983 and 1985 further suppressed saving behavior, especially when initially implemented. In presenting such findings, this article at least partly solves the so-called Chinese savings puzzle.
Do Chinese Really Save Too Much_Aspects from Total Factor Productivity Growth in China since 1952.pdf