Set in Stone: The Persistence and Origin of Corporate Culture
卢瑞昌,北京大学光华管理学院金融学系副教授,新加坡国立大学商学院金融学博士。研究领域为实证公司金融,具体方向为银行贷款定价和金融机构。他的文章发表于Management Science、Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis、Journal of Banking & Finance、Journal of Accounting and Public Policy和《金融研究》《中国会计评论》《金融学季刊》等中英文期刊。曾获得2014 WFA Cubist Systematic Strategies Ph.D. Candidate Award for Outstanding Research、Best Paper Award of Seventh Annual Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets、银行与金融中介论坛优秀论文奖。
We examine the evolution of corporate culture and trace its origin, differentiating the values and norms prevailing within a company from the preferences of corporate insiders. Leveraging one of the largest panel data sets on corporate culture, we first show that corporate culture is fairly stable: Firms with a strong (weak) culture tend to remain so for the subsequent decade. We then show that the majority of the variation in corporate culture is driven by time-invariant firm fixed effects, largely attributed to a firm’s culture formed around its initial public offering. Employing a rich set of founder, founding time, and founding location characteristics to explain a firm's early culture, we show that a founder's cultural heritage, the business environment at the start of a founder's career or at a firm's founding, a founder's birthplace, and a firm's founding location all have significant influences on its early culture. Finally, we provide some suggestive evidence on the presence of CEO-firm matching on cultural values as a possible mechanism underlying the persistence in culture. We conclude that the early culture of a firm, influenced by its founder, founding time, and founding location, is behind the persistence in corporate culture.
Codification, Technology Absorption, and the Globalization of the Industrial Revolution
主讲人:Réka Juhász (Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia)
形式:腾讯会议:996 438 799
Réka Juhász is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of British Columbia. She studies industrial policy and industrialization. She is co-founder of The Industrial Policy Group, an empirical research lab that aims to deliver core empirical research surrounding industrial policy and make industrial policy a serious object of economic study. She has published papers in journals such as the American Economic Review, the Journal of Political Economy, and the Journal of Economic Perspectives.
This paper studies technology absorption worldwide in the late nineteenth century. We construct several novel datasets to test the idea that the codification of technical knowledge in the vernacular was necessary for countries to absorb the technologies of the Industrial Revolution. We find that comparative advantage shifted to industries that could benefit from patents in countries and colonies that had access to codified technical knowledge but not in other regions. Using the rapid and unprecedented codification of technical knowledge in Meiji Japan as a natural experiment, we show that this pattern appeared in Japan only after the Japanese government codified vast amounts of technical knowledge. Our findings shed new light on the frictions associated with technology diffusion and offer a novel take on why Meiji Japan was unique among non-Western countries in successfully industrializing during the first wave of globalization.
Measuring and Boosting the Productivity of Disabled Workers:
The Case of Food-Delivery Workers in China
时间:2025年3月27日(周四) 13:30-14:30
袁哲,浙江大学经济学院百人计划研究员,博士生导师。袁哲毕业于多伦多大学(博士)、北京大学(本科)。袁哲的研究领域是算法与人工智能的经济影响、平台经济和产业经济的实证研究。他与多个头部科技公司合作,研究数字平台上的算法与人工智能(搜索推荐系统、大语言模型的影响),平台治理(平台机制设计与信息披露设计),数据要素(数据价值与数据隐私),以及网络经济(航空网络和电信网络)等问题。他的研究发表于多个国际顶级期刊,包括Rand Journal of Economics, AEJ-Microeconomics, Management Science, Information Systems Research等。
Workers with disabilities face significant barriers to securing stable, well-paying jobs, leading to economic hardship and substantial social costs. While disability rights legislation aims to improve employment outcomes, its effectiveness remains uncertain, and little is known about the productivity of disabled workers across different job settings. This paper examines the performance, retention, and profitability of hearing-impaired food-delivery workers in China using comprehensive administrative data from one of the country's largest delivery platforms. To better understand the mechanisms underlying productivity differences, we complement our empirical analysis with ethnographic fieldwork, including in-person interviews with disabled workers and direct observations of their daily work routines. These qualitative insights reveal key operational bottlenecks, particularly in customer interactions and unexpected logistical challenges, that constrain efficiency. Leveraging a policy change, we assess the impact of an intelligent outbound call system designed to improve communication for hearing-impaired workers. We find that this intervention significantly enhances disabled workers’ productivity, reduces negative customer reviews, and increases their work participation, particularly in adverse weather conditions. Our findings highlight the potential of technology-driven interventions to improve the employment outcomes of disabled workers while simultaneously benefiting firms. These results have broader implications for policy design in gig economy settings and labor markets where communication barriers limit worker productivity.
Dynamics of Revision and Relation
主讲人:袁照能(Assistant Professor of Economics at Nanyang Technological University)
Yuan Zhaoneng is Assistant Professor of Economics at Nanyang Technological University. Her research interest lies in organizational economics and applied microeconomic theory in general. She has published in leading international journals such as Management Science and Review of Economics and Statistics.
I study an infinitely repeated game between an agent and a principal, where the principal has the option to ask the agent to revise his work, and the revision is asked based on subjective evaluation. Revision can improve the output quality, but it also introduces incentive problems when the true motion of revision–whether out of efficiency or greed—is the principal’s private information and thus unknown to the agent. The optimal relational contract speaks to how the principal optimally manages the revision and how the relationship evolves over time. I show that the relationship starts with excessive revision but ends with insufficient revision. As time progresses, both the revision declines and the relationship deteriorates. Moreover, the principal gradually cedes her revision option as the agent gains autonomy on his work.
Climate Change and Regional Human Capital Dynamics
地点: 北京大学国家发展研究院承泽园246教室
Regional economic disparities have traditionally been driven by economic fundamentals. Emerging evidence suggests that climate change, by influencing individual migration decisions, may reshape the spatial distribution of human capital. Understanding these dynamics is critical for designing forward-looking policies on regional development and talent allocation. Our study shows that future climate change is likely to reduce existing disparities in human capital quality across regions. This is primarily due to economically advanced areas experiencing an accumulation of uncomfortable climate conditions, which deters the inflow and accelerates the outflow of high-quality human capital—leading to relative improvements in less-developed regions.