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   第150次:Health Care Rationing in Public Insurance Programs: Evidence from Medicaid [2024-06-07]
   第149次:How You Pay Drives What You Choose: Health Savings Accounts versus Cash in Health Insurance Plan Choice [2024-05-29]
   第148次:经济压力与冒险行为——基于网约车驾驶行为的证据 [2024-05-13]
   第147次:Something in the Air: Pollution and the Demand for Health Insurance [2024-04-18]
   第146次:Credit Access, Selection, and Incentives in a Market for Asset-Collateralized Loans: Evidence from Kenya [2024-04-07]
   第145次:Old Age Risks, Consumption, and Insurance [2024-03-25]
   第144次:Systemic Risk in the Insurance Industry [2024-03-06]
   第143次:Daily Labor Supply and Adaptive Reference Points [2024-01-03]
   第142次:An Equilibrium Analysis of the Long-Term Care Insurance Market [2023-12-18]
   第141次:Reminders Work, But for Whom? Evidence from New York City Parking-Ticket Recipients [2023-11-28]
   第140次:Dialogue (Q&A) with RMI Ph.D. students [2023-11-13]
   第139次:The Impact of Provider Payments on Health Care Utilization of Low-Income Individuals: Evidence from Medicare and Medicaid [2023-11-09]
   第138次:Do people feel less at risk? —— Evidence from disaster experience [2023-10-16]
   第137次:What’s trending in difference-in-differences: A synthesis of the recent econometrics literature [2023-09-28]
   第136次:Covariate Balancing in Causal Inference [2023-09-08]
   第135次:Impact of Consequence Information on Insurance Choice [2023-06-13]
   第134次:Static and Intertemporal Houshold Decisions [2023-05-30]
   第133次:Cybersecurity Risk [2023-05-11]
   第132次:Insurance without commitment:Evidence from the ACA marketplaces [2023-05-10]
   第131次:Can Policy Change Culture? Government Pension Plans and Traditional Kinship Practices [2023-04-18]
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