题目:Ignorance is Whose Bliss: The Repeal of Compulsory Premarital Health Examinations and Marital Outcomes in Rural China
作者:Li Han, Xinzheng Shi, Ming-ang Zhang
联系方式:Xinzheng Shi, shixzh@pku.edu.cn
摘要:Health matters for marital outcomes, but information about health may be hidden until marriage. Our matching model, considering socioeconomic status (SES) and health, reveals that removing health information shifts sorting towards SES, reducing child health and welfare, especially for those with low SES. Empirical evidence from China, where compulsory premarital health exams were repealed, confirms this decline in postmarital subjective well-being, primarily driven by decreased child health associated with health-based sorting. Women and low-SES individuals suffer the most, indicating persistent gender and wealth disparities.